Our College motto, ‘To Him be Glory’ is the fundamental driver of everything that we do at St. Charbel’s College. The College endeavours to work with parents, teachers and students to develop a cohesive approach to teaching and learning. This approach is based on the holistic view of our students’ education. At St. Charbel’s College, it is our aim that by the time a student finishes their schooling they are lifelong learners that are centred by their Maronite faith and hold the essential skills to contribute as active and productive citizens of Australia. In order to achieve this, our learning framework is formulated by using the best research-based 21st Century educational practices to inform our approach to teaching and learning.
Our current focus is to drive the development of informed educational practices that engage students in their learning and improve their educational outcomes, with an emphasis on the implementation of John Hattie’s international research titled Visible Learning. Hattie’s research centres on what educational leaders and teachers do that has the most positive effect on student learning and achievement. We are working towards consistently applying the principals of Visible Learning in all aspects of our students’ schooling. Hattie’s research suggests that the explicit teaching model has the highest impact of all methods of teaching. Consequently, the College has specifically targeted K-2 to implement this approach, with a vision to incorporate the model to the rest of the College over the next three years.
Furthermore, it is crucial to acknowledge that in a rapidly changing 21st century environment that is driven by technological progress, the skills required by our students in the working world are constantly evolving. It is therefore our role to equip students with the necessary skills that they can use to adapt to the changing nature of the workplace. Therefore, we aim to develop the core competencies of 21st Century Learners - communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.