St Charbel’s College offers a curriculum based upon subjects developed and approved by the NSW Educational Standards Authority. Our curriculum motivates and challenges our students to work towards the successful completion of Year 12 through the study of a wide range of courses that span all Key Learning areas. The College caters for the needs of all students across a range of abilities including those with diverse learning needs.

Year 7 to 10 Curriculum (Stages 4 & 5)
Students in Year 7 and 8 study a common curriculum experiencing a wide range of subjects. Visual Arts and Music are semesterised in Years 7 & 8. History and Geography are semesterised in years 7 to 10.
Compulsory courses for Years 7 & 8
Arabic language
Visual Arts
Personal Development/Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
Compulsory subjects for Years 9 & 10
Religion, English, Mathematics, Science, History & Geography, PDHPE and Sport.
Elective subjects for Years 9 & 10
Arabic Elective
Food Technology
History Elective
Information and Software Technology
Industrial Technology/Timber
Photographic and Digital Media
Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS)
Textiles Technology
Visual Arts
Year 11 and 12 Curriculum – Higher School Certificate (Stage 6)
Compulsory subjects for Years 11 & 12
Catholic Studies
2 units of English: English Standard, Advanced English or English Studies
Elective subjects for Years 11 & 12
Standard Mathematics 1 (Year 12 only)
Standard Mathematics 2
Mathematics Extension I & II (Year 12 only)
Investigating Science
Engineering Studies
Business Studies
Legal Studies
Ancient History
Modern History
History Extension (Year 12 only)
Society & Culture
Studies of Religion I & II
Music 1
Visual Arts
Sports, Lifestyle & Recreation Studies
Information Processes & Technology
Industrial Technology - Timber
Food Technology
Textiles& Design
English Extension I
English Extension II (Year 12 only).
Arabic Continuers
Arabic Extension (Year 12 only)
Work Studies
Exploring Early Childhood
French Beginners
Trade Training Courses Years 11/12 (offered through Saint Yon, Bankstown)
Automotive, Construction, Electrotechnology, Plumbing, Hospitality, Human Services - Individual Support, Fitness and Retail Services
St Charbel’s College celebrates the development of the whole child and recognises and celebrates their achievements at regular times throughout the year. The secondary school holds two major award ceremonies to reward students who have achieved excellence in their studies as well as those students who have demonstrated consistent effort and application in class activities and assessment tasks. In addition, students are recognised for their contributions to the life of the College through leadership, community service, and participation in the spiritual life of the school and in sports.